Mistress Elizabeth Brudenel
Mistress Elizabeth Brudenel, Lady Drury
Elizabeth Brudenel was born in Chalfont St Peter, Hedgerlley, Buckinghamshire, the daughter of Edmund Brudenell Esq. Lord of Raans and Jane Hawkings of London. She was their only heir. Her father was a supporter of Queen Mary on her accession and for a time held the title of Sheriff of Bucks. By 1524 Elizabeth had married Sir Robert Drury of Hawstead. Very little is known about Elizabeth however, other than the fact they had 9 children together; Anne Drury (Aunt of the Anne Drury listed below), Margaret Drury, Lucy Drury, Elizabeth Drury, Robert Drury of Edgerley, Roger Drury, William Drury, Edmund Drury of Horton, Dru Drury of Riddlesworth and Lynstead.